Saturday, March 25, 2006

Osaka ni shitsure shimasu

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I should have a chance to post the pictures from our trip to Osaka here very soon, so keep yer tatters peeled.

In the meantime I've been thinking about how when I was a child all problems on TV were resolved by either a super machine or super animal, depending upon how old the TV series was. On one hand you had Air Wolf, Knight Rider and Street Hawk (you could almost fling the A-Team in too), and on the other oldee one you had Flipper, Skippy and Gentle Ben. Air Wolf was about a helicopter that looked like a helicopter that a bunch of boy racers had saved up for and then suped up. It even had a big bore exhaust which was exposed by the get out of jail free sun burst button. Knight Rider needs no introduction as even a German permed mullet couldn't keep it from being popular. Street Hawk was like Air Wolf but it was a motorbike instead. If these were the shows that made it what were the ones that crashed and burned on their pilot? I would like to make a spoof called 'Air Hawk'. Getting back to the other three we had Flipper - which was about a dolphin. Which has fins and not flippers I suppose. Maybe they had a seal and something happened to it. Then there was skippy. I never saw this but the kangaroo is quoted often, and talked in clicks. Must have been semaphore or something. Last was Gentle Ben. A show about a family who lives in a swamp and gets around by a hovercraft. Is Gentle Ben a lovable, cuddly alligator. Nah, it's that well know swamp dwelling animal, the Grizzly Bear. Not sure who came up with these ideas but they were absolute classics. More thoughts on this later.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Pete's Barmy Army rolls to Saitama

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At last a load of pics from the mighty Niigata's trip to Saitama in January.



Pre tournament:

