Sunday, March 05, 2006

Going home: Winter vacation

The Trip to Narita, Tokyo and then home.

We went back home on the 23rd of December to see our family and friends. The journey was a bit of nachtenmaren, as they'd say in Frankfurt. We drove to the ferry terminal on Sado and got a ferry to Niigata. We then got a train from Niigata to Tokyo, Shinjuku (right in the toon). Then from Shinjuku we got on a train to Narita, which like all big airports is in the furthermost suburbs. From there we got a 12 hour flight to Frankfurt, Germany. We had a few hours to kill before our flight to Edinburgh so we went into the old part of Frankfurt for a mooch around the Christmas market and some ale and sausage. Which was a bit surreal through a jet lagged mind but nice never the mind.

Frankfurt train station and the Christmas market

This is a monty stein of beer but it doesn't get justice next to my coconut...

Here's a somewhat uninspiring pic of me outside the station. Ring a ding...


Edinburgh PHC said...

i belive the edinburgh taxi service was second to none!

Cam said...

Aye, I cannae argue with that. It beat Shank's pony by a country mile.