Thursday, July 19, 2007

Angels with dirty faces?

I never speak to anyone in certain parts of Scotland about 'Britain'. Yes, I'm Scottish and from the land of hope and glory. After all of the Catholic church scandals that have emanated from, amongst every good nation on the planet including Ireland, I've always thought that the Emerald Isle should sing about being the land of grope and holy. In a tongue in cheek manner of course, as long as the tongue belongs to the same owner as the cheek, and both remain attached to the person. You can't be too contractually careful with religious perverts.

Another Catholic child abuse scandal has emerged, this time in LA, the city of Angels. As if times weren't bad enough with the Bloods,the Crips and the Osbournes, some of the Christians have turned against them too.

It's the usual story of the church being rumbled for years of child abuse which is ultimately sad and terrible for all of the poor victims involved.

This story triggered an alarm bell with me however, when I heard, on the BBC news, the local Cardinal making a statement on behalf of the Catholic church. The local Cardinal's name is 'Roger Mahony'. Jesus H. Corbett, couldn't they have found someone else with a better name? I can just imagine the Pope sitting down to his tea of egg 'n' chips, being hit by this story on the TV, and then seeing the banner with 'Cardinal Roger Mahony'. "Roger? Mahony? Aw for fecks sake!", he'd quibble in Latin. Who else was available to make a statement? Bishop Phil McCracken? It really made me cringe when I heard 'Roger' talking about their 'innocence' being taken away. Man, to believe in a religion that has a reset button on their conscience must be sweet. The other thing that made my mind spin faster than a priest's cassock, is that the victims are to be given a joint lump sum of $660 million compensation. I have no problem with that but what happens now? Do they have to fight it out and prove how much they were abused? That is going to be one dark day in court that will essentially put the price on buggery with a choir boy. What a menu that would make. I can just see it now displayed on the wall of a church on a hymn board.

I'm not religious one way or the other and would just as happily write about any other religious mob that partook in such hypocritically despicable behaviour. I know there are a lot of good Catholic Christians out there, some of which are my friends.

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