Thursday, July 19, 2007

Probably the best name for an off license... ever!

Self explanatory

The Japanese habit of mistranslating English into Japanese is well documented as Engrish.

Now and again they hit the nail right on the head however and I think this is a prime example. The above picture is of our local off license, brilliantly titled 'Self'. Even the logo is a beauty, that S isn't someone giving the thumbs up but rather a punter happily getting a punch in the chops. I'm tempted to photoshop the logo out of the picture and use it when I start a typically self indulgent blog called 'Self', when I get home. It's either going to be 'Self' or 'I really love me!'.

Another random bit of knowledge that I have picked up about off licenses around the world, is that in Australia, they call them 'bottle shops'. Makes sense I suppose, as if you've ever know an Australian with a bottle of 'grog' it's not long before it's just a bottle. A bit rich coming from a Scotchlander some may think. Taking it one step further for us, maybe we should name our 'bottle shops', 'broken glass shops' as we tend to demolish the contents of the bottle, go mental and then proceed to demolish someone with the bottle, usually starting with the heed, resulting in a demolished bottle too.

Wouldn't it be cool if the Australians applied this bottle shop logic to every type of Australian shop. Supermarkets would be 'shite stores', as that's just the next step after the shelf and frying pan.

I wander where Australians buy bottles?

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